Job Appointment & Specifications
Duties and Responsibilities
Will be required to undertake basic audit work such as examining vouchers, cashbooks, ledgers and to confirm the propriety and accuracy of the transactions.
Requirements for Appointment:
- Must be a Kenyan citizen.
- Senior accounts Clerk salary scale 12 who have completed 3 years and passed at least KATC final and also shown merit in work performance.
- Candidates with grades (C Plain) KCSE and above or its approved equivalent and in addition in possession of at least section one of C.P.A (1) .
- Salary Scale 10 (1 Post) 17064 X 399 – 17463 X 477 – 22827 X 660 – 24807 P.A.
The application to be addressed to:
The Clerk to the Council
P.O. Box 26,
Please make sure you attach photocopy of your academic qualifications and any other testimonials.
NB: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualifications.
M.A Urema
Clerk to Council
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