Embu Children Hospital is a health care provider offering comprehensive medical and dental care services located 1.5km off Embu town. Currently opening town branch at Cathy plaza near Maguna-andu supermarket. The hospital is NHIF approved and in partnership with several co-operate instituitions.
The following vacancies exist in our hospital.
- Diploma in optical from Kenya medical training college (KMTC)
- 2 years working experience.
How to apply:
- Send your application including cover letter indicating your desire to work with us.
- A detailed CV highlighting relevant detail of current and expected salary
- Day time phone contact, email address and the name of three professional referees by close of business 10th August 2011 to:
Embu Children Hospital
P.O Box 1698 Embu
Tel 068 30950
Fax 068 30754
Cell 0722891560, 0723386706
Email: embuchildrenclinictenri@gmail.com