Applications are hereby invited for the above position on a permanent and pensionable basis Salary PA K£11,340 – 16,665; House allowance Kshs. 12,000 P.M.
Requirements for Appointment:
For appointment to this grade an officer must have:
- A minimum of a diploma in Public Health/Environment related field.
- A minimum of 3 (three) years relevant experience.
- Shown high integrity and sense of responsibility in discharge of duties.
- Ensure clean and safe environment and public health matters in accordance with EMCA (1999) and the Public Health Act, Cap 242.
- Be conversant with EMCA and Public Health Act, Cap 242.
- Inspecting Markets and Trading Centres to ensure general cleanliness and sanitary requirements are met;
- Advising on solid waste collection, storage and disposal in Markets and Trading Centres;
- Planning sites, supervision of construction of buildings to ensure adequate lighting and ventilation;
- Ensuring springs and wells are protected to improve the quality of water supply;
- Advising on control of insect vectors of diseases.
Clerk to Council
County Council of Nyandarua
P O Box 200-20300
Should be received on or before 15th April 2011
Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
Muli J.N.
Clerk to Council
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