Vacancy in the Position of Member, Salaries and Remuneration Commission
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010
The Salaries and Remuneration Commission Act, 2011
Article 230 (2) (b) (ii) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Part II, Section 7 (1) of the Salaries and Remuneration Act 2011 requires the Public Service Commission of Kenya to nominate a person who shall be appointed to represent the Public Service Commission in the Salaries and Remuneration Commission as a member.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Kenyans wishing to be nominated by the Public Service Commission.
To be considered, the person should:
(i) hold a degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
(ii) have knowledge and at least ten years’ experience in either;
- Finance and administration
- Public management
- Economics
- Human resource management
- Labour laws
(iv) have had a distinguished career in their respective fields.
Each application should be accompanied with a detailed curriculum vitae that also includes the National Identity card number and county of origin.
Applications should be made in writing and hand delivered to the Secretary’s office on 4th floor, Commission House, off Harambee Avenue OR submitted as an MS Word attachment on e-mail sent to
The applications should be addressed to:
The Secretary
Public Service Commission Of Kenya
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100, Nairobi,
so as to reach the Commission on or before 15th August, 2011.
Note: Names of all applicants and the interview schedule of those shortlisted shall be published in the media and in the Commissions website after the closure of the advert.
Bernadette M. Nzioki, EBS
Public Service Commission of Kenya